Sarah’s Blog: 2015 In Books

Sarah’s Blog: 2015 In Books

2015 was going to be the year that I read a book a week. (NOTICE THAT I SAID “WAS”.) 🙂 When I set the goal of 52 books in January 2015, I had not yet launched the Write Now podcast (that launched in February) and I had no idea what the year would bring,...
Reading Isn’t Dead

Reading Isn’t Dead

I think the difference in how we read online vs. in print has less to do with the medium and a whole lot more to do with the message — and the readers’ motives.

Book Review No. 001: The Night of Four Hundred Rabbits

Book Review No. 001: The Night of Four Hundred Rabbits

GUYS. I do not even know what to say about this book. Well, I do, actually. It was weird as hell, especially for esteemed mystery madame Elizabeth Peters. A quick primer: Elizabeth Peters is the pen name of Barbara Mertz (a.k.a. Barbara Michaels as well), and...