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Why Do We Do This To Ourselves?

I gave my first TEDx talk last week, and while I learned a lot about myself and the topic, I also learned (and re-learned) a lot about what it means to let yourself get burned out, exhausted, and overwhelmed. (Wheee!)

And what it means to keep yourself in that state for long (and unsustainable) periods of time.

The more I reflected on how I had essentially harmed myself in constructing a talk about how to not harm yourself (!), the more I realized how much of an epidemic this is.

So many of us — writers, parents, employees, students — are in a state of constant burnout, exhaustion, and overwhelm. And often, we don’t even know it. Hopefully today’s episode will help you identify where you are on that spectrum… and how we might begin to deal with it.

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Helpful Resources

In today’s episode, I mention:

What Do You Think?

How do you deal with being burned out, exhausted, and overwhelmed? Or… are you able to prevent yourself from being in that state in the first place? Let us know in the comments below!

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Thanks for listening!