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A lot of listeners ask me what they need to do in order to turn their writing into a full-time career. Advice like this is really difficult for me to just dole out to people. I can really only talk about what I’ve already figured out, and I’d be lying if I claimed what worked for me will do the same for anyone else. It’s times like these I’m grateful I get to chat with industry experts.

“When your writing is your job and you love it, then you will integrate naturally.”

Podcaster, entrepreneur, and thriller author Joanna Penn (a.k.a. J.F. Penn) tackles this tricky transition in this week’s Coffee Break. Joanna’s website, The Creative Penn, covers the entire spectrum of becoming a career author, from writing to publishing and marketing. There, she helps writers discover (or rediscover) what it is that truly drives their desire to create.

“At the end of the day, our creative work is our agenda.”

Joanna and I discuss the benefits of establishing a creative legacy, both for scalable income and as a way to make the future a little brighter. We also talk about upgrading your writing from a side-hustle to a successful business, the inherent benefits of pen names, and ditching the balancing act of work and life by seamlessly blending them.

“I measure my life by what I create.”

I hope today’s episode gives you a tangible push toward realizing your writing and publishing goals. Be sure to check out The Creative Penn for more ideas and inspiration. Also stop by Joanna’s different websites and social medias to see what she’s been working on! Thank you for listening and remember to take your creative work seriously. You’re a writer and you’re worth it!

Mentioned in this episode:


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