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Writer and podcaster Anthony Olivieri is a good friend of mine, and a fellow member of the FateCrafters network (where my own audio drama, Girl In Space, dwells). His first audio drama (a.k.a. fictional podcast), the dystopian dreamscape of 2298, landed with great success — and today, we’re talking about how he did it.

“Reading it [aloud] was the best editor I ever had.”

First and foremost, as you’ll learn in today’s episode, Anthony and I are the same person (INFJ and INFP, respectively). As a writer, he’s a bit more Hemingway-esque than I (episodes of 2298 are each 8 minutes long, as opposed to my 30+ minute Write Now and Girl In Space episodes), but he creates his one-man show in addition to holding down a full-time job and dealing with anxiety, imposter syndrome, and all of that other fun stuff Life throws our way.

“I am self-deprecating, but the key word in that is self. I decided I’m going to let other people tell me — I’ve been telling myself what my worth is for 30-some-odd years. I’m going to let other people tell me now, finally… It’s freeing, almost. If I’m awful, I’m going to let other people tell me I’m awful. And what I think happens to everyone… is that people will like what you make.”

In today’s episode, we’re talking about balance, inspiration, and building both a sense of mystery and deeper meaning into your work.

“When I first started, I reached out to people I admired. And they’ve helped me. That is why it’s been successful.”

We also talk about why Anthony decided to publish his writing via audio instead of through more traditional channels, and what it means to create Mary-Sue vs. truly resonant characters. I hope you enjoy our conversation!

Mentioned in this episode:


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