Hey friends.

In this morning’s Click Rain staff meeting, my good friend Paul encouraged and challenged us to develop a personal mission statement, and to set goals for personal success.

I’m a pretty T.M.I. person in general, so I’m sharing it with you.

Sarah’s personal mission statement in three parts.

As a writer, I’m interested in the whole work/life/passion project balance. So my mission statement deals with each of these three elements of my life:

  1. Work: To serve clients, company, and coworkers, and to make working fun.
  2. Life: To overcome fear, and to share the unconditional love of God in every relationship.
  3. Passion Project (writing): To illustrate the beauty of this world, to delight my readers, and to show them they’re not alone.

Mission statements are organic, ever-changing things, so this isn’t set in cement. Or if it is, it’s really poorly poured cement with lots of weeds growing up through the cracks. Or something. It’s early.

But as William Arruda, author of Ditch, Dare, Do so eloquently states:

“If your mission statement doesn’t change, you risk not being relevant anymore.”

I plan to stay relevant and focused on making the world a more awesome place.

How about you? Do you have a personal mission statement? What is it, and why did you decide to create one?