I’ve noticed I have a LOT of scarcity when it comes to time. Maybe you do, too.

Time is one of the few things in life I feel I don’t have control over — and when I keep an eye on the clock, counting down the minutes that remain for me to work on a project, read a book I love, or savor a day with a friend or loved one, time seems to pass even more quickly. One might even say that it flies, when one is having fun.

It’s so easy for me to imagine my life slipping away with each tick of the clock — and it’s so easy for that to turn into fear, anxiety, and really limited thinking.

I’ve worked with enough coaches and mentors to know that I need to embrace a less limited and less scarce mindset on the subject of time — but what does that mean? And how do I make that happen? And is this something that you struggle with, too?

Affirmations can be a great way to redirect a limiting belief. So adding in an affirmation of, “I have all the time that I need,” or “I have control over how I spend my time,” or “I spend my time with intention” to my daily affirmations has been helpful. I’ve also added, “Each minute is its own eternity.” Because in a way, it is—especially in that sweet, sweet state of artistic flow.

I’ve also heard that consciously monitoring how you spend your time can help you realize just how much of it you have. I admit, sometimes I’ll look up from Instagram and realize that an hour has gone by in the span of what felt like minutes.

To that end, I’ve started planning and tracking my time using a tool called Sunsama—but you can use a regular calendar or schedule if you prefer. Logging how I spend my time and allocating time and space for tasks ahead of time (while being a complete pain) helps me realize that yes, I am using up my precious life minutes, but I also have so much more big, beautiful, expansive time waiting for me up ahead.

I think it’s also interesting to question: what’s really at the root of this fear? Why am I so terrified that “time keeps on slipping” away?

  • Am I afraid that I won’t get to do everything I want to do in this life?
  • Am I not as productive as society/my ambitious nature says I “should” be within the time that is given… and do I base my self-worth on how productive I am?
  • Am I scared simply because I’m a control freak, and I can’t control the passage of time?
  • Am I ashamed of how I’ve “wasted” time in the past?
  • Am I terrified of the notion that I could die at any moment?

Um… yes. All of the above. And maybe there are even more underlying fears that I haven’t uncovered yet. 

As I note in this week’s Write Now podcast episode, fear is something we face day after day. New fears, old fears… they comprise, as Jon Acuff says, “an ocean to be swum daily.”

Regarding fear, I unfortunately don’t have all (or any) of the answers. I’m still very much a work in progress, and I still deal with fears, insecurities, and doubts on a daily basis. But I’m taking steps toward making my peace with it all.

In the meantime (ha!) I am going to continue saying my affirmations, being aware and intentional with my time, and being present in and enjoying each moment that I have.

Words & warmth,
