Welcome back to Write Now! Sarah here with a brand-new podcast episode featuring a topic that’s been on my mind a lot lately — and, from the questions and comments I’ve received, many other writers’ minds as well.

Let’s Talk About “Supposed To”.

There are a lot of “supposed to”s for writers. For example, you’re “supposed to” write every day. You’re “supposed to” outline your book or your novel or your audio drama podcast before you write it. You’re “supposed to” create within a sanctioned format.

But it goes even deeper — more than even just our actions, we’re “supposed to” feel a certain way as a writer. We’re “supposed to” have our routine figured out. We’re “supposed to” feel confident in what we create. We’re “supposed to” love every minute of the process. We’re “supposed to” punch fear in the face.

Etc., etc., ad nauseum.

You’ll notice I’ve been putting the phrase “supposed to” in quotation marks, because I’m not exactly certain we’re “supposed to” do the things we’re “supposed to” do. After all, who established those “supposed to”s in the first place? And what’s the punishment if we don’t follow the rules?

So What’s In Today’s Episode?

In today’s episode, I’m exploring what it means for us to live and create within rules and expectations that we don’t set for ourselves. I’m also exploring where the “supposed to”s come from, and how we escape the guilt and obligation that come with them

Because… what could we create if we were free of the “supposed to”?

Listen In: